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Destro #5 review

Creators : Dan Watters (Writer), Andrei Bressan (Artist), Adriano Lucas (Colorist), Rus Wooton (Letterer). Story : Tomax and Xamot are showing Cobra Commander around their newly acquired M.A.R.S. Corporation and what they can do with it when they come across Destro and a fight breaks out.  Outside, Scrap-Iron, Chameleon and Mercer take on the Crimson Guard.  During their fight, Destro and the Twins talk about the future, all the while Cobra Commander looks on.  Finally, the Overkill system is activated but Destro keeps it from killing the Twins.  He proposes they work together, under Cobra, because of the changes the world is going to see.  They agree.  Later, Destro and Astoria Carlton-Ritz are eating dinner while Destro launches a missile to take out the Overkill system. Later, Destro and distant cousin Darklon are at their ancestral tomb and Darklon apologizes for selling M.A.R.S. but Destro says the Evader Driver needs to wear a family mask, like the first Destro did and gives him
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