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Conan the Barbarian #3 (2023) review

Jim Zub's Conan tale of the undead shows some signs of life, at last. But is it too late?

Conan frees a sliver of surviving Barbarians from the icy grip of the possessed picts, is able to get a minuscule amount of payback... but ends up in the soup, literally.

What I did not like:

Conan not solicitous about the fate of his family members or childhood friends.

All the unsightly covers except for the snake one by Roberto (and only from afar). 

The old and infirm are still alive? Please! They survived the trip to the citadel? Stop insulting the reader.

Only men fight alongside Conan. No vengeful Cimmerian women? That's disappointing and also sexist. 

I was getting a Conan the Barbarian (1982 John Milius film) vibe from the very first page.

Trying to appeal more to the casual movie fan than the Robert E. Howard scholar.

Still no Big Bad for Conan.

The letters page was too small and only featured sycophants. Competent creators and editors should crave constructive criticism. Please print some reviews that rub you the wrong way.

No Man-Serpents in bowls.

What I did like: 

Serpent Men!

Is that Atlantean necromancer Skull-Face?

Thulsa Doom straight from Kull of Atlantis and the Schwarzenegger movie gets finally mentioned!

V (1983 miniseries) homage. Maybe.

I give it a 5/10. We better see both The Death's Head Tavern: A Solomon Kane Story by Nancy Collins and Caravan of the Damned by Chuck Dixon serialized in the upcoming Savage Sword of Conan magazine! 

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