The monster crew must leave the Holodeck in seven minutes or face severe brain injury. Data battles the Redjac Moriarty/Borg and the monster crew manage to escape. Geordi runs to the transporter room to check on a power fault when who beams in but... Montgomery Scott! Later, the senior staff go back into the Holodeck under their monster guises. They emerge in a graveyard and battle Redjac while Data attempts to rescue the crewmen still held captive. At the battle's end, it appears Redjac is defeated but power is still being fed to the Holodeck from elsewhere. Redjac emerges... with Armus!
This issue pulls out all the stops. Scotty returns to aid the TNG crew. The one TOS character who suffered the most under Redjac. We also have the unexpected return of Armus. Given how Redjac feeds off fear and terror, it will be interesting to see how the senior staff react to the being who killed one of their own. This mini continues to a fun ride.
seven out of ten.