Creators: Larry Hama (Writer), Chris Mooneyham (Artist), Francesco Segala (Colorist), Sabrina Del Grosso (Flatter), Pat Brosseau (Letterer)
Plot: Serpentor begins his plans with his new, mutated, forces, to invade Springfield. In Arlington, the Joe team buries one of their own (killed in the last issue) with full military decorations. In Springfield, Cobra Commander addresses the citizens and prepares them for Serpentor's eventual invasion. In New Jersey, Revanche is monitoring the Serpentor/Cobra situation. Back at the G.I. Joe headquarters, they too are monitoring the Cobra situation and explain why their fallen ally was given such a burial (due to his history with Stalker, Storm Shadow and Snake-Eyes in Southeast Asia). At Snake-Eye's cabin, Timber's wolf pack drops off a puppy for them as they talk about the future.
Story: This is another set-up issue. We get to see what the major story-arc is going to be going forward (Cobra vs. Serpentor's mutated forces) and how the G.I. Joe Team and Revanche will play in it. I feel the funeral scenes are well done; very little dialogue and just showing how a full military funeral would go. As far as issues do go, it's a bit disappointing we don't really get more, plot wise, beyond set-up (which I feel last issue was also doing).
Art: Again, Mooneyham's artwork stands out, a more tone-down and gritty look that works well for a military-themed story. The funeral scenes were very nicely done and the focus on the part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in DC. Serpentor's mutated forces look very disgusting, which works as they have been mutated into cannibal monsters.
Overall: Another set-up issue, which is a bit disappointing that we really didn't get the plot moving forward a bit more. The art is fantastic in this issue and the Arlington scenes are very well done. I do feel that Hama, Mooneyhamn and Segala did an outstanding job with the funeral scenes though.