The space battle begins and the Theseus is caught in the middle. Kim offers help but Sisko refuses, not trusting him. Dr. Crusher sends a message informing Sisko the Tzenkethi planet core is dead. Soon, the planet will explode. The crew grasp for solutions. Sisko makes a speech while the planet core is stabilized. The space battle ends. The Romulan commander dies... at the feet of Praetor Shinzon. At issue's end T'Lir appears with a new mission for Sisko.
I had hoped that Scotty and Crusher would be the ones to solve the problem of Tzenkethi's unstable core, especially since that story thread felt so disconnected from the main story. Sisko's solution feels... very deus ex machina. It just happens. Still, I enjoyed this arc and the inclusion of Shinzon was certainly a surprise. I would have liked a final scene between Sisko and Kim or at the very least Tom and Kim.
seven out of ten.