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Void Rivals #8 review

What’s happenin’ in the world of Void Rivals?

Void Rivals continues here with issue # 8! It’s Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici new sci-fi comic that tells the tale of two crumbling planets linked by a “Sacred Ring” (it’s not Halo), their peoples at war for generations. When a member of each culture are stranded together, the two find they must put aside their differences if they want to survive. This story takes place in the so-called “Energon Universe”, Skybound Entertainment’s new initiative to relaunch properties like Transformers and G.I. Joe within a shared universe that also happens to include the original characters and setting of Void Rivals.

In this eighth issue, our titular protagonists Darak and Solila are on the run from Proximus, the deadly hunter. As Mobile Suit Gundam’s narrator would ask… WHO WILL SURVIVE?

That Proximus dude looked cool.

Hellz yeah he does! I’ve been in this sci-fi game a long time, and lemme tell ya- if there’s one thing people love, it’s armoured bounty hunters! Well, Proximus isn’t a “bounty” hunter per se, but he’s certainly hot on Darak and Solila’s trail. Most of this issue is a running battle that tests our main characters’ resilience to the max as Proximus lives up to his hype. There’s a hint that Solila may know more about Proximus than she is letting on to Darak as well.

While not much happens in terms of plot advancement, the fight is rendered with customary energy and style by De Felici and you really feel the injuries when they happen. It all leads to a striking last page and the possibility that the book may be re-titled “Void Rival” next issue!

Right, so Transformers?

Nah. But next issue’s cover does feature a certain ‘bot with better things to do tonight than die…

Where is… THE CUBE?

This issue is kind of a fast read, being almost entirely an action sequence. While effectively presented, it certainly doesn’t help the popular perception that much of Kirkman’s output is best consumed in trade format. Void Rivals is starting to strike me as something that will become more popular in three or four years when there’s dozens of issues and multiple trades to pick up. Heck, I recently talked with a friend who was enjoying the Invincible animated show, decided to read the comic, and promptly plowed through ALL of it within a week.

Kirkman would probably say you’re not reading a comic correctly if you can get through it within five minutes, but honestly at today’s prices, there should be enough material to make it through at least a trip to the toilet in a single issue. There’s nothing BAD here… it just feels like the pace goes through jogs and sprints and this was more of a “sprint” issue.

Be a hero and buy Void Rivals # 8 this week, but don’t expect it to last a hero sandwich.

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