Creators: Tranformers: Daniel Warren Johnson (Writer), Ryan Ottley (Artist), Annalisa Leoni (Colorist). Void Rivals: Robert Kirkman (Writer), Lorenzo De Felici (Artist), Matheus Lopes (Colorist). G.I. Joe: Joshua Williamson (Writer), Jason Howard (Artist), Mike Spicer (Colorist).
Skybound's Free Comic Book Day entry this year is a nice treat, featuring three stories from their Energon Universe line - Transformers, Void Rivals, and G.I. Joe. All three stories fit nicely into the on-going narrative, adding a bit more to the overall stories without being "critical" stories to read to get what's going on. At the same time, you can easily read the stories in this issue without being lost. The Transformer story deals with how Megatron ended up in Cobra-La and his awakening there. Void Rivals deals with Hot Rod trying to track down the Quintessons while over in G.I. Joe, Duke is trying to recruit the Baroness to the Joe team.
The art in this issue, while done by different artist for each story, all meshes really well. One story's art doesn't look really off compared to the others. It's nice that the artists are able to match the styles up enough for this (and, in a nice part too, getting to see a bit more about Cobra-La).
Overall, a fun issue to read, adding a bit of something extra to the Energon Universe. The writers were able to craft small tales in each respective story that adds some nice extra details. For new readers to any of the franchises, this is a perfect spot to hop on as there is just a bit of story to intrigue you to find out more. If you get a chance to pick up this issue, definitely go for it.