Creators: Kelly Thompson (Writer), Marco Ferrari (Artist), Lee
Loughridge (Colorist), Rus Wooton (Letterer)
Story: Scarlett continues her infiltration mission into Sato II: The Tiger while the rest of the Clan fight in Sato III: Sakura. While Scarlett is able to bypass some security, she does have to take some out, both lethally and non-lethally. Though injured in her encounters with tower security, Scarlett continues down to take out a power source so the rest of the ninjas can steal a weapon. Scarlett is successful in her mission and is able to rejoin her allies in the other tower, where she has a few, hushed, words with Jinx. However, the buyer for the weapon they stole arrives in a helicopter with a familiar red logo.
Writing: Most of this issue just focuses on Scarlett completing her mission and doesn't move the overall plot forward too much. We do get more insight into Scarlett through this and see that if she cannot kill everyone, she'll take that route. It was nice to see her actually have a brief moment with Jinx and get us, the readers, to realize Jinx is still doing her mission. Storm Shadow still comes off as his self-assured self, which works well.
Art: The art is pretty consistent throughout the issues, except for one panel which just seems to be drawn in an odd perspective. Some of the scenes do get a bit brutal as well, with slashes and blood flying. And the "boss fight" Scarlett has is done pretty well too.
Overall: While our main story doesn't progress too much in this issue, it does help show up just how well-trained Scarlett is. She is able to infiltrate a corporate tower, take on the security (some which seem to be ninja-trained), and complete her mission and get back to her allies, while getting injured the processes. It will be interesting to see where the next issue goes, with the introduction of Cobra in this issue.