Creators: Kelly Thomas (Writer), Marco Ferrari (Artist), Lee Loughridge (Colorist), Rus Wooton (Letterer)
Story: Scarlett, Jinx, and Storm Shadow have possession of the sword and Storm Shadow uses it to defeat a foe but then they see Cobra arrive and take cover. They ponder how to escape (with only two parachutes) but Cobra Commander can detect the Energon the sword gives off and they get fired upon. Scarlett gets injured and pushes Jinx out of the building (with the parachute) and jumps after her. The three split up to rendezvous later and Scarlett is able to touch base with Snow Job. She decides to stay in to help Jinx. Back at the Arashikage stronghold, Storm Shadow presents the sword to the Hard Master who gives it back and Storm Shadow raises it while the clan cheers on, surprising both Jinx and Scarlett.
Writing: Another good solid issue. We start out with some good action and getting the trio to engage Cobra a bit was fun. It was also good to see Snow Job and that Scarlett is still being kept an eye on. The end wasn't completely clear on what was going on; is Storm Shadow the new leader of the Arashikage clan or is he just the bearer of the sword and the clan's champion? We also get the set up for the Arashikage vs. Cobra conflict.
Art: Really good art again. If you're not seeing carefully, you might miss the quick sword fight and its results in the beginning. Scarlett gets some good expressions on her face when things aren't going her way or are unexpected. And getting to see Cobra Commander there in his classic helmet look was neat. One thing I've noticed is that Ferrari doesn't seem to draw noses too well.
Overall: Another solid entry into the pre-G.I. Joe comic-verse. Good connections to the Cobra Commander series, helps lay down some mystery as well while still the first half is packed full of action.