The young boy, Paul, hitches a ride to the Frankenstein home and is eventually welcomed inside by Elizabeth once he is discovered. She is ordered by Henry's father to bring Henry home. Back at the castle the group is determined to destroy the creature once they discover it killed Fritz. They manage to knock out the creature with drugs and later, Waldman is killed by the creature once it awakes. Later, Henry and Elizabeth are about to be married when Professor Waldman's body is found. Henry rushes off, unaware that the creature was in the very room. The creature comes face to face with Elizabeth and kills her.
A lot going on in this issue, and I feel it is very haphazardly put together. The scenes between Elizabeth and Paul, the young boy, are much needed and very touching. Especially since, if you are familiar with the material, you know Elizabeth does not have much time left. Her frustrations are on display with Henry and his father. I feel the art in this issue was a step above the previous ones. Not that issue one and two had poor art. Far from it. But this issue had a more moody feel. More melancholy. And the final page with Elizabeth's body and destroyed wedding flowers is great.
six out of ten