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Star Trek: Lower Decks #1 (2024) review

Lower decks 1. Opens with single panels following a boring and uneventful round of episodic non-adventures with each panel having its own episode title (Cerritos Factor sounds like a novel title btw). Each panel shows Mariner's annoyance at such easy mundane work, and as the lower decks cast is about to unwind on the holodeck, they’re called to the bridge where we find the U.S.S. Bonaventure lost in space since the 23rd century. An away team beams aboard the derelict ship, powers it up and learns the Enterprise under Kirk’s command had found the ship in the odd space anomaly, and the Bonaventure’s crew eventually escaped the time trap that was a pocket in the garment of time. However the ship is abandoned and powered down until the Cerritos away team powers it back up and learns from the ships logs that the crew had copied Kirk and Spock’s solution to breaking free and got out. Billups, Rutherford, and T’ana get the engines working again but some unknown cause causes the ship to jump to maximum warp into a cliffhanger!

Good times. It leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination and would have totally fit in with the TV series, complete with its references that most casual fans and readers would probably miss not only in the dialogue but also in the art of Kirk’s log and the look of the ship from its odd shaped saucer with eyes for some reason, to its registry number (10281NCC), and the plot leaves enough mystery and ends on such a cliffhanger that you really need to see the next issue. Unless the ship explodes and the rest of issue 2 is just blank pages. You'll have to get #2 to find out!

And no I’m not pointing out what the references are referring to.

It’s a good jumping on point and will be a good substitute for fans of the show that will miss the show when it finally comes to an end in season 5. Looking forward to what happens next issue.

Randomly favorite quote: “oh I am not dying on an ugly ship! T’ana to Billups: transporters?”

Solid start, has some good funny moments. 8/10

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