Kahless struggles with his current lot in life after his defeat. He eats rats and can not even get a simple job. Begging for food, willing to barter his sword away, he comes face to face with Worf and Alexander. After some words he begins to battle Alexander, who eventually gets the upper hand. But he can not kill Kahless and he forces him to admit the truth, that he does not know who he truly is and that he is afraid. With this Worf and Alexander leave. He has completed the Errand of Vengeance and with his honor restored Worf embraces him. Meanwhile, Kahless is left to contemplate his future while eating his charred rat.
I have to say I really enjoyed this arc and its conclusion here. Neither Alexander nor Kahless die during the Errand of Vengeance, and as Alexander himself points out there was no actual vengeance to be had. This was a good blend of established Klingon lore from across the multiple series and also doing something new with it. It suits the character of Alexander and redeems him for the readers after his baffling heel turn during Day of Blood. We get a few scant pages of Ro and O'Brien in this issue... and to be honest I had forgotten about this story. Honestly, I think it should have completely taken a backseat till Errand of Vengeance ended.
eight out of ten.