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Conan the Barbarian #19 (2023) review

Jim Zub's Twisting Loyalties part 3: Hunted

The waters of Zarkheba. Bêlit, the Queen of the Black Coast has been murdered and avenged. Conan of Cimmeria is leaning on his great sword upon the white beach, watching the Tigress swinging out on her last voyage.

A grieving Conan decides to immediately plunge into the mysterious jungles of the Southern/Black Kingdoms. 

Conan kills a lizard and devours it raw. The barbarian is maltreated by a swamp, rain, pollen and hornets. Conan falls into a body of water (just like in Predator (1987)), he kills a crocodile, but he does not eat it.

Exhausted, Conan collapses. A sound interrupts the Cimmerian's slumber, he spots a hunter using the trees, spying on him (just like in Predator (1987)).

The next day, Conan finds no trace of the hunter (just like in Predator (1987)).

Conan finds a village (just like in Predator (1987)). Not fond of his foul smell, the Kushites ask Conan to leave. Remember now: Conan was infected with vile Set magic by Nizsm, the Stygian priest/Serpent Man in Conan the Barbarian (2023) #18.

A dead tired Conan thinks that he can easily take on 4 spear-toting Kushites, but Zub's arrogant/invincible/evil barbarian decides to go on his merry way instead.

Conan lights a fire to attract his stalker (just like in Predator (1987)).

A male panther pounces on Conan. Conan lops off one of its ears. Thinking of Bêlit gives the enfeebled barbarian a second wind. Conan knocks the big cat out with a rock (just like in Predator (1987)).

The melanistic leopard reveals its true self (just like in Predator (1987)), it morphs into the fan favourite Darfarian: Zula (introduced way back in Conan the Barbarian (1970) #84).

Zula, the warrior wizard, proclaims that "He will not rest until ALL Serpents are Slain!"

À suivre.

What I did like:

Mitra mentioned.

War goddesses: Morrigan and Macha mentioned.

A nice feline/human transformation by Doug Braithwaite.

Archaeologist Jeffrey Shanks talks Nestor the mercenary from Gunderland, The Hall of the Dead, Count Trocero, Prospero, Juma the Kushite warrior, Sigurd Redbeard, Thoth-Amon and Varnae: Lord of the Vampires.

An advert for the upcoming Solomon Kane: The Serpent Ring mini-series by Patch Zircher.

A non-player character (NPC) profile for Zula from Conan: The Hyborian Age - The Roleplaying Game by Monolith Board Games is offered.

What I did not like:

Zub forgets that Conan is already agonizing from the events of Queen of the Black Coast. Conan would never venture forth into the wilderness before properly dressing his wounds.

The crocodile should have helped the Set infected Cimmerian out of the water.

When fighting the crocodile, Conan forgets that he has TWO swords at his disposition.

Zula should now be missing a part of his ear.

Zula does not use his female form to spy on Conan. Lame! 

Female characters appear... but only in flashbacks and of course they do not speak.  

Conan punches the panther on its right side, yet it is the left side that gets damaged.

A woman appears on only one of the variant covers.

Zub's Conan remains an unlikable boorish killer of animals. Disgusting. 

Where is the announcement for Conan Illustrated: The Tower of the Elephant by Robert E. Howard and Valentin Sécher!?

Where is the interview with Grace Jones!?

Where is the interview with voice actor Scott McNeil?

Still NO letters page! 

I give it a 6/10. Zub is becoming a lazy storyteller, he gives us less and less per issue. This disappointing, clumsy, unimaginative rehash of a famous Yautja tale drags on way too much. If you're having problems getting some shut-eye, this issue could be your cure.

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