Creators: Joshua Williamson (writer), Tom Reilly (artist), Jordie Bellaire (colorist), Rus Wooton (letterer)
Story: The Joe team is now captured and suffering under the hands of Destro and Cobra. However, some quick thinking and their inside man helps them escape. Meanwhile, the Brainwave Scanner is completed as Destro gives chase to the escaping Joe team.
Writing: A fairly straightforward issue, with the bulk of it being the Joe's fight with Cobra and Destro. However, Williamson is able to lay down hints at what's going to happen to finish off this first arc of the series as well as leaving us on a cliffhanger. The only downside is that Cover Girl and Stalker don't really get a lot of time to shine and no dialogue as well. Mercer continues to be a favorite character as he's explored more and we realize he's more than just a hired gun for Destro.
Artwork: Reilly continues to do a great job with the art. He does some fine details when Duke is getting beat up and showing us he's getting hurt. A great panel is when Destro looks up at the imposing HISS tank behind him. This issue has a lot of darker colors and the fights are given an orange background.
Overall: A good second-to-last issue for the current story arc, this one has a lot of action scenes and ends on a good cliffhanger. We get our ever classic "Yo Joe!" yelled for the first time. While I wish Stalker and Cover Girl got a bit more time in the issue, overall, it was a good issue.