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Transformers #18 (2023) review

Is Shredhead totally in my face?

Yup! With Robert Kirkman’s Void Rivals having launched Skybound’s Energon Universe, noted writer/artist rolled-into-one Daniel Warren Johnson takes the reins on the linchpin of this initiative, the flagship Transformers comic series! Well, he maintains the reins on the writing of this series at least, as does Mike Spicer on colors. Jorge Corona has taken over regular penciling duties with a style all his own.

In this eighteenth issue, Shredhead kills some guys you may have liked, Ultra Magnus boxes a helicopter, and the Decepticon civil war comes to an end with the return of… well, c’mon, you know.

Does Shredhead arrive at the fireworks factory?

There’s actually relatively little to do with Shredhead here, aside from an opening fight scene where he showcases how badazz he is by killing some name characters. One of the victims in particular I was kind of annoyed by, considering he just got his first new toy in decades and has always been a fan favorite from the Marvel comics. Considering DWJ’s seeming ignorance of characters beyond 1986, I guess it isn’t surprising.

Most of the rest of the issue is divided between Arcee’s group confronting Ultra Magnus’ issues and the continuing Decepticon-on-Decepticon battle in the city. We’re at the sixth issue mark for this arc, so technically this should be the conclusion of the arc. However, nothing is really wrapped up at all.

Anything that didn’t annoy you?

Art’s still pretty nice and energetic. Otherwise I feel this plot has been really stretched for some time and DWJ’s just coasting from “moment” to “moment” instead of having an overreaching end goal. Supposedly next arc is his final one on this book, and I can’t help but look forward to having a new writer. I feel the popularity this book enjoys kind of mystifying, but again… it’s probably targeted to a different audience than someone like me who has been “in the trenches” for this long.


I’m not sure what else I have to say that I haven’t said previously. Aside from the art, I’m not enjoying the plot or characterization of this book, and things like killing obscure characters that are way cooler than Shredhead will ever be doesn’t exactly win points either.

Buy Transformers # 18 this week and Megatron will heat you up like a Hot Pocket.

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