The Kelvin Universe Enterprise crew and the Defiant crew get to know each other. Spock... the Prime Spock, warned Kirk about certain future events, hence why the Enterprise was waiting for Sisko and crew. Eventually, Kirk and Sisko approach Starfleet about working together to stop the reality shockwave unleashed by Lore. Starfleet agrees and a large fleet of ships is gathered. The assembled fleet is useless though, as the shockwave hits and annihilates everything. The Enterprise and Defiant manage to survive, though the Enterprise is eventually overtaken by the shockwave as Defiant escapes. The Defiant has returned to its own time/space continuum but everything is gone. No stars, no life signs, only the black void of space. Lots of nice moments in this issue. The Enterprise and Defiant crews geek out over each other and compare notes. 0718, a very underutilized character from the Kelvin films, takes it upon himself to build Data a new body. ...