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Showing posts with the label Image - Skybound Comics

G.I. Joe #5 (2024) review

Creators : Joshua Williamson (writer), Tom Reilly (artist), Jordie Bellaire (colorist), Rus Wooton (letterer) Story : The Joe team is now captured and suffering under the hands of Destro and Cobra.  However, some quick thinking and their inside man helps them escape.  Meanwhile, the Brainwave Scanner is completed as Destro gives chase to the escaping Joe team. Writing :  A fairly straightforward issue, with the bulk of it being the Joe's fight with Cobra and Destro.  However, Williamson is able to lay down hints at what's going to happen to finish off this first arc of the series as well as leaving us on a cliffhanger.  The only downside is that Cover Girl and Stalker don't really get a lot of time to shine and no dialogue as well.  Mercer continues to be a favorite character as he's explored more and we realize he's more than just a hired gun for Destro.   Artwork : Reilly continues to do a great job with the art.  He does some fine details when ...

Transformers #18 (2023) review

Is Shredhead totally in my face? Yup! With Robert Kirkman’s Void Rivals having launched Skybound’s Energon Universe, noted writer/artist rolled-into-one Daniel Warren Johnson takes the reins on the linchpin of this initiative, the flagship Transformers comic series! Well, he maintains the reins on the writing of this series at least, as does Mike Spicer on colors. Jorge Corona has taken over regular penciling duties with a style all his own. In this eighteenth issue, Shredhead kills some guys you may have liked, Ultra Magnus boxes a helicopter, and the Decepticon civil war comes to an end with the return of… well, c’mon, you know. Does Shredhead arrive at the fireworks factory? There’s actually relatively little to do with Shredhead here, aside from an opening fight scene where he showcases how badazz he is by killing some name characters. One of the victims in particular I was kind of annoyed by, considering he just got his first new toy in decades and has always been a fan favorite f...

Void Rivals #17 review

Void Rivals Has Secrets To Reveal! It does and it continues here with issue # 17! Void Rivals is Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici’s sci-fi comic that tells the tale of two crumbling planets linked by a “Sacred Ring” (it’s not Halo), their peoples at war for generations. When a member of each culture are stranded together, the two find they must put aside their differences if they want to survive. This story takes place in the so-called “Energon Universe”, Skybound Entertainment’s initiative to relaunch properties like Transformers and G.I. Joe within a shared universe that also happens to include the original characters and setting of Void Rivals. In this seventeenth issue, the secret of Zerta Trion is revealed, Darak has a “friendly” chat with his father, and Proximus is on the rampage! Proximus? He was cool. He was! And that continues here as him and his new kid sidekick go on a quest together. It’s unclear exactly what Proximus wishes to get out of it, but he’s clearly no longer...

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #314 review

Creators : Larry Hama (writer), Andrew Krahnke (artist), Francesco Segala (colorist), Sabrin Del Grosso (flatter), Pat Brosseau (letterer) Story : In the Arabian Sea, a Tomahawk lifts off with Tunnel Rat, Tripwire and Sherlock going on a mission to rescue a 15-year-old activist/daughter of an opposition leader.   The leader of the kidnappers is also a "Fred Series" former Crimson Guardsman and operative for Cobra.  The team lands and meets up with Mongoose who was inserted the night before.  They find the tunnel system where the kidnappers are and go in guns blazing.  When they finally rescue the girl, she's upset that they ruined her plan and she goes off after the kidnappers as well; ends up the real daughter is elsewhere and the one they rescued is a special forces operative made to look like her who has a grudge against the Crimson Guardsman.  The Joes are able to talk her down from killing him and instead bringing him to trial for his crimes (beyond the kid...

G.I. Joe #4 (2024) review

Creators : Joshua Williamson (writer), Tom Reilly (artist), Jordie Bellaire (colorist), Rus Wooton (letterer) Story :  The Joe team sent to retrieve Doctor Monev/Doctor Venom try to outrun the Crimson Twins in the Stinger but Duke eventually surrenders in order to keep civilians from getting hurt or killed.  Meanwhile, Stalker and Cover Girl try to retrieve the brainwave scanner but they too are unsuccessful and captured.  In Springfield, Destro and Mercer are examining the body of the Cobra-La assassin Cobra Commander killed and are curious about it and its weapons, though they wish to keep it a secret that they have the body.  Clutch, meanwhile, looks on.  The city is evacuated to Destro's compound (with Clutch leaving also) and Destro is upset about it.  Cobra Commander reassures him that his plans are progressing, with Dr. Monev and his Brainwave Scanner, they can make a "brainwave bomb" to make people obey Cobra and the test subjects will be the G.I. J...

Transformers #17 (2023) review

Time to meet a new toy? Yup! With Robert Kirkman’s Void Rivals having launched Skybound’s Energon Universe, noted writer/artist rolled-into-one Daniel Warren Johnson takes the reins on the linchpin of this initiative, the flagship Transformers comic series! Well, he maintains the reins on the writing of this series at least, as does Mike Spicer on colors. Jorge Corona has taken over regular penciling duties with a style all his own. In this seventeenth issue, Arcee’s team tracks down Ultra Magnus, the Autobots protect innocents caught in the crossfire on Earth, and on Cybertron a new Autobot is born thanks to Cliffjumper! So yes, a new toy. Probably! Eventually! Elita One’s team on Cybertron aid Cliffjumper in reaching the Well of All Sparks, which turns out to be this big contraption with a really easy user interface! Cliffjumper’s plan is to use the spark remains of his dead clan to create a new Autobot, and by the last page we meet them! Skybound has been promising the introduction ...

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #313 review

Creators : Larry Hama (writer), Chris Mooneyham (artist), Francesco Segala (colorist), Sabrina Del Grosso (flatter), Pat Brosseau (letterer). Story : As the G.I. Joe Ninja Force and Dreadnoks wait outside a building, Destro makes his way in, intent on facing Cobra Commander, who sits behind an armoured door, protected by H.E.A.T. (High Explosive Anti-Tank) and Alley Vipers.  Destro tosses smoke grenades, reduces his body heat and takes out the Vipers, all the while Cobra Commander looks on and dons his new battle armour.  Destro then blows the door off and he and Cobra Commander duke it out, with Destro eventually getting the upper hand and dragging the Commander out to the Joe team.   Writing : This story serves one purpose and that's to remind us how awesome Destro is.  Not only does he have the cool gadgets (smoke grenades, refrigerated suit, etc.), he can get his hands dirty as well and duke it out one on one when needed.  The overarching plot doesn't move f...

Void Rivals #16 review

Void Rivals Needs To Support Its Wife And Kids! It does and it continues here with issue # 16! Void Rivals is Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici’s sci-fi comic that tells the tale of two crumbling planets linked by a “Sacred Ring” (it’s not Halo), their peoples at war for generations. When a member of each culture are stranded together, the two find they must put aside their differences if they want to survive. This story takes place in the so-called “Energon Universe”, Skybound Entertainment’s initiative to relaunch properties like Transformers and G.I. Joe within a shared universe that also happens to include the original characters and setting of Void Rivals. In this sixteenth issue, we get Cobra-La VS the Skuxxoid! Darak VS his father! And Solila VS Handroid’s helpful advice! No Transformers though? Welllll… maybe. The last page is a cliffhanger that will certainly raise some questions. The main action here is the Cobra-La VS Skuxxoid fight, which ends in a fatality! I’m not cer...

G.I. Joe #3 (2024) review

Creators : Joshua Williamson (writer), Tom Reilly (artist), Jordie Bellaire (colorist), Rus Wooton (letterer) Story : Clutch is trying to gather his bearings in the Cobra base and contact the Joe team when he ends up in line and hearing the next part of Cobra Commander's plan - to kidnap Dr. Venom/Dr. Archibald Monev who is slated to testify before Congress on his Brainwave Scanner.  Cobra Commander claims there is a mole and he is attacked but he fends off the assailant and drops him into a (literal) snake pit (and he knows it's an agent from Cobra-La, unknown to the rest) and Cobra Commander claims he already has allies picking up the doctor.  At the Pit, Duke and Risk are still fighting till Stalker stops them and reminds them they are a team (and putting out the classic Stalker leadership).  They receive a message from Clutch informing the Joes of what Cobra is doing.  In D.C., it ends up the Doctor is already in the hands of Cobra but the Joes are able to stop t...