Berlinghoff Rasmussen and Nymira Vondect run a snake oil scam. With the grift completed they move on to the next and we see how the two came together. Rasmussen saved her during the parasite space station debacle. They are out in space having an argument when Lore begins breaking down reality. The planet they were just on vanishes due to a space/time rift. They fly through the rift and emerge near the Defiant. As they try to explain the situation the shockwave entangles both ships. I have to say I never really cared for Nymira much. I get that Defiant was/is a ship of rogues and renegades on a secret mission. And what we've seen of her past fits that. But I just never formed any attachment to the character. To be honest when I saw her on the first page it was only then that I realized that she had been gone for multiple issues. Also happening as a little vignette is the ongoing mine standoff which concerns Miles O'Brien. ...