Through the ages Sisko attempts to find a way back. He shifts the entire society of Bajor into orbit, into the caste system, into trying to reconstruct the Wormhole. He sees Jake... or does he. Finally, in a small ship he enters the Wormhole and confronts his Mother. He has past their final test and can remain... but, in their roundabout logic, they tell him they can not bring back that which does not exist. The reality he once knew does not exist. Will not exist. Refusing to accept this he breaks the Celestial Temple and leaves it to Kahless to continue his work... I don't know exactly what I was expecting... but it wasn't this. Sisko's single minded determination to bring back his crew bends the entire planet of Bajor to his will. We've seen him refuse to give up before but even with reality on the line this seems a bit much. The confrontation with his mother has been long expected and we get a bit of it here. But then...