Predator: The Original Screenplay adaptation by Jeremy Barlow and Patrick Blaine is still not on the stands... but don't be too sad, there's a comic out there waiting for you, it's PvW #3 and it features some spectacular Zama art! This issue: It's not very clear but apparently the Predator is now pining for adamantium, the indestructible metal bonded to our diminutive hero. Since the Predator isn't talking it's kinda hard to tell. What I did like: Japanese Transformers artist superstar Kei Zama is the reason to buy the book! Multiple copies would be best. You've got to support, Kei! Okay? Pilot is a Schwarzenegger homage. Other Pilot is a Carl Weathers homage. NO Xenomorph in the trophy room. Makes sense since the Predator in this story is a cowardly pullet. Reverse-engineering a Predator mask. What I did not like: A Predator killing a sleeping prey. Hard to swallow. Even if the Yautja is lusting for revenge. Filleting a comatose Logan gives out barely any b...