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Conan the Barbarian #18 (2023) review

Jim Zub's Twisting Loyalties part 2: Fangs & Foolish Thieves concludes. The Shemite coastal city of Kyros. The sneak thieves lead by Tarnasha have been brutally dispatched by Conan of Cimmeria and girlfriend Bêlit. To save her life, Tarnasha, proposes a heist to steal a relic.  We get a nice The God in the Bowl flashback. Conan encounters "The Serpent God" in Kallian Publico's Temple, a museum in Numalia (city in Nemedia). Conan is still shell-shocked from his clash with the enormous snake with the human visage. Bêlit, Conan and Tarnasha decide to team up. They make a pact. They will remain partners for the duration of the robbery. The trio of thieves start planning. The famous antiquarian, Libradicio, has in his possession a Stygian artifact, "The Fangs of The Serpent".  Bêlit will create a disturbance (as Libradicio's troubadour paramour) in front of the antiquarian's manor house and Conan & Tarnasha will filch "The Fangs" and wha...

Star Trek #29 review

Through the ages Sisko attempts to find a way back.  He shifts the entire society of Bajor into orbit, into the caste system, into trying to reconstruct the Wormhole.  He sees Jake... or does he.  Finally, in a small ship he enters the Wormhole and confronts his Mother.  He has past their final test and can remain... but, in their roundabout logic, they tell him they can not bring back that which does not exist.  The reality he once knew does not exist.  Will not exist.  Refusing to accept this he breaks the Celestial Temple and leaves it to Kahless to continue his work... I don't know exactly what I was expecting... but it wasn't this.  Sisko's single minded determination to bring back his crew bends the entire planet of Bajor to his will.  We've seen him refuse to give up before but even with reality on the line this seems a bit much.  The confrontation with his mother has been long expected and we get a bit of it here.  But then...

Godzilla: Heist #1 review

Transformers #17 (2023) review

Time to meet a new toy? Yup! With Robert Kirkman’s Void Rivals having launched Skybound’s Energon Universe, noted writer/artist rolled-into-one Daniel Warren Johnson takes the reins on the linchpin of this initiative, the flagship Transformers comic series! Well, he maintains the reins on the writing of this series at least, as does Mike Spicer on colors. Jorge Corona has taken over regular penciling duties with a style all his own. In this seventeenth issue, Arcee’s team tracks down Ultra Magnus, the Autobots protect innocents caught in the crossfire on Earth, and on Cybertron a new Autobot is born thanks to Cliffjumper! So yes, a new toy. Probably! Eventually! Elita One’s team on Cybertron aid Cliffjumper in reaching the Well of All Sparks, which turns out to be this big contraption with a really easy user interface! Cliffjumper’s plan is to use the spark remains of his dead clan to create a new Autobot, and by the last page we meet them! Skybound has been promising the introduction ...

Star Trek: Lower Decks #4 (2024) review

And now the conclusion! In order to keep the USS Cerritos in one piece engineering concocts a way to use the engines to use a warp bubble to survive inside the proto universe. Unfortunately that universe is home to an energy being called koj, which inhabits Sam Rutherford and D'Vana Tendi and talks like some kind of influencer and Rutherford and Tendi are placed inside the ships computer which has a slight 4th wall break of them being floating digital heads in the computer interface. Eventually they all solve the crisis and stop the proto universe from expanding. This works, this entire story works, it shouldn’t but because this is Lower Decks it works, the influencer energy being, the talking heads in the computer, even the ending works in a very Star Trek way that shouldn’t. Yet here we are. The energy being decides on a solution that saves the universe even while our Starfleet heroes keep trying to find a Star Trek like answer that makes everyone happy and sometimes that just ca...

Star Trek: Defiant #23 review

Worf takes Alexander to the Archanis Sector.  There he encounters Martok and the two get into a fight.  It is part of his challenge, a part he passes in standing up to the Klingon High Chancellor.  Meanwhile, on the Defiant, O'Brien is taken hostage by a Cardassian but he manages to escape.  Later, Worf, Martok and Alexander engage in a brief battle and free the prisoners who were scheduled for execution.  Alexander challenges and defeats the overlord.  Proud of him for coming thus far, Worf tells Alexander his final test will be to face Kahless.   This is a perfectly fine issue.  Fine.  But predictable.  Alexander overcomes all his obstacles with help from his father and Martok.  I expect nothing less, but I somehow expected more.  Something more spiritual perhaps.  Maybe that will prove to be the basis of the final challenge?  The Defiant interlude, though, does little to advance its story.  With a Cardassian t...

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #313 review

Creators : Larry Hama (writer), Chris Mooneyham (artist), Francesco Segala (colorist), Sabrina Del Grosso (flatter), Pat Brosseau (letterer). Story : As the G.I. Joe Ninja Force and Dreadnoks wait outside a building, Destro makes his way in, intent on facing Cobra Commander, who sits behind an armoured door, protected by H.E.A.T. (High Explosive Anti-Tank) and Alley Vipers.  Destro tosses smoke grenades, reduces his body heat and takes out the Vipers, all the while Cobra Commander looks on and dons his new battle armour.  Destro then blows the door off and he and Cobra Commander duke it out, with Destro eventually getting the upper hand and dragging the Commander out to the Joe team.   Writing : This story serves one purpose and that's to remind us how awesome Destro is.  Not only does he have the cool gadgets (smoke grenades, refrigerated suit, etc.), he can get his hands dirty as well and duke it out one on one when needed.  The overarching plot doesn't move f...

Void Rivals #16 review

Void Rivals Needs To Support Its Wife And Kids! It does and it continues here with issue # 16! Void Rivals is Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici’s sci-fi comic that tells the tale of two crumbling planets linked by a “Sacred Ring” (it’s not Halo), their peoples at war for generations. When a member of each culture are stranded together, the two find they must put aside their differences if they want to survive. This story takes place in the so-called “Energon Universe”, Skybound Entertainment’s initiative to relaunch properties like Transformers and G.I. Joe within a shared universe that also happens to include the original characters and setting of Void Rivals. In this sixteenth issue, we get Cobra-La VS the Skuxxoid! Darak VS his father! And Solila VS Handroid’s helpful advice! No Transformers though? Welllll… maybe. The last page is a cliffhanger that will certainly raise some questions. The main action here is the Cobra-La VS Skuxxoid fight, which ends in a fatality! I’m not cer...

Star Trek #28 review

Sisko arrives on ancient Bajor.  Eventually he is taken in and learns the language.  And over the course of years becomes a respected advisor and a source of fear as well.  He is a source of wisdom and tries to guide the Bajorans and begins to see things, perhaps, as the Prophets see them.   This is an interesting issue.  I have to say I'm not crazy about the idea of Sisko having such an effect on the history of Bajor. You could say that time is a circle to the Prophets and Sisko, so it ends at the beginning and begins at the end.  And I usually enjoy such storytelling.  But I'm not especially crazy about it here.  We'll see where this goes as the story continues.   six out of ten.

Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theatre #3 review

Star Trek: Lower Decks #3 (2024) review

The USS Cerritos has had a successful second contact with a pulp sci-fi civilization that was easily handled by all involved, though later Beckett Mariner muses on their very subservient robots… Meanwhile in another sector!  A metastability bubble has expanded and consumed a whole star cluster! It contains a small universe that would throw our universe into unstable chaos and death! The Cerritos rushes in to try and save the universe while the rest of Starfleet is on its way to do more with bigger more advanced starships! Great issue, just great, it could’ve fit in the fifth season easily, the story takes place not long after the first episode, as evidenced by Sam Rutherford ruminating on his alternate self who was a full cyborg and we now see him lightly contemplating if he should do that as that’d make him an even more efficient engineer. One thing I liked about the show, and they do this here, is when the story includes more than just the lower deckers, and in fact shows them a...

G.I. Joe #3 (2024) review

Creators : Joshua Williamson (writer), Tom Reilly (artist), Jordie Bellaire (colorist), Rus Wooton (letterer) Story : Clutch is trying to gather his bearings in the Cobra base and contact the Joe team when he ends up in line and hearing the next part of Cobra Commander's plan - to kidnap Dr. Venom/Dr. Archibald Monev who is slated to testify before Congress on his Brainwave Scanner.  Cobra Commander claims there is a mole and he is attacked but he fends off the assailant and drops him into a (literal) snake pit (and he knows it's an agent from Cobra-La, unknown to the rest) and Cobra Commander claims he already has allies picking up the doctor.  At the Pit, Duke and Risk are still fighting till Stalker stops them and reminds them they are a team (and putting out the classic Stalker leadership).  They receive a message from Clutch informing the Joes of what Cobra is doing.  In D.C., it ends up the Doctor is already in the hands of Cobra but the Joes are able to stop t...

Star Trek: Defiant #22 review

As B'Elanna Torres grapples with her new position as Captain of the Defiant, O'Brien approaches her about destroying the self-replicating mines he created several years ago.  Meanwhile, Worf strips his son of his honor and sets him on a course to restore it.  He must complete three tasks.  He faces a member of the house of Martok and his aunt, defending their attacks but unable to retaliate as part of the ritual.  The Defiant begins to destroy the mines over Karemma when a Section 31 ship intervenes.   I appreciate this book coming back to Alexander and trying to undo some of the damage done to his character during the Day of Blood event. Of course, he must undertake a complicated Klingon ritual to restore his honor.  Karemma is a planet we've seen before on DS9.  The Defiant story I'm curious to see where it takes us.  The self-replicating mines have been on O'Brien's mind since his introduction in this book.  It is something I still take i...

Transformers #16 (2023) review

Time to devastate and brutalize?? Uh, sure. With Robert Kirkman’s Void Rivals having launched Skybound’s Energon Universe, noted writer/artist rolled-into-one Daniel Warren Johnson takes the reins on the linchpin of this initiative, the flagship Transformers comic series! Well, he maintains the reins on the writing of this series at least, as does Mike Spicer on colors. Jorge Corona has taken over regular penciling duties with a style all his own. In this sixteenth issue, the two Decepticon factions clash, Cliffjumper joins the Autobot resistance on Cybertron, a new Autobot joins the ranks on Earth, and Laserbeak discovers what Soundwave had sent him to look for! So Devastator and Bruticus go at it, right? Yes. For like… two panels and a splash. Their fight is a mere backdrop to the character dramas unfolding during the smaller Decepticon skirmish. It was honestly kind of disappointing considering how it was built up (and the covers dedicated to it.) Soundwave and Starscream fight some...